
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2016


Recited one word and clouds of mercy spread out:

Readers! If you recall, I mentioned an instance which happened during my meeting with carpenter heavenly spirit, that suddenly there was activity in the graveyard, rain of light, blessings, Barakats started falling like from a cloud of mercy, upon my asking carpenter spirit said, that actually somebody alive has recited only once اللھم ارحم امت محمد ﷺ and has gifted its blessings to the dead of the graveyard, these are the blessings and effects of mercy of saying it only once.  I was really surprised and kept on thinking. A while ago a lot of Jinnat were sitting with me and some topic of knowledge was being discussed. Rice cooked with gurr and milk was lying before us, we used these gurr rice and milk and during conversation a thought came to my mind about this gurr and I thought that I should ask these old experience and centuries long life Jinnat that did they also get any experience and observation of this word?


Effects of the pray and my astonishment: I recited this word before them and to my utmost surprise, everyone amongst these Jinnat knew about the benefits of this word and blessings of it.


An instance of an old experienced Jin: An old experienced Jin narrated an instance, he said that this is the happening of the period when Bahadur Shah Zafar was a ruler of subcontinent and he was the last amongst the Mughals Kings and his flag use to be all around subcontinent, the wife of real uncle of King Zafar died, she was a pious lady, did a lot of treatment in her old age but finally she died, but a strange thing happened that when she was about to be buried and all the Rajas and Maha Rajas were participating in the burial. and King Zafar himself was there, very nice grave was made.


A tunnel like window in the grave: When people were relieved after burial, suddenly the grave fell inside, everyone was surprised and there was noise, the Royal diggers of the grave immediately removed the sand of the grave, took out the dead body and cleaned the grave, but got astonished to see that there was a window towards the right side of the grave, made of fresh sand as if someone made it right now, a window or a tunnel, what to say, the King asked, who made this tunnel? The diggers said that we did not make it, and everyone said, that when the body was being buried, there was no tunnel, how did this tunnel appear now? Unanimous decision was made to fill the tunnel with wet sand and to make the grave again. It did not take much time as experienced and working at fast speed, diggers fill it up and closed it and made the grave again, and people only took few steps after the burial that again, the grave sank with a loud noise, now everyone got worried and immediately all the spiritual, scholarly and pious people were called and this happening was explained to them that how did we made the grave and grave sank again, during this conversation, they were not told about the tunnel, amongst these people a pious person asked: Did you see any hole or cave on right or left of the grave? Everybody said that we saw a window and a tunnel towards the right side of the grave before it fell for the first time, then the saintly person said that why did you not tell us the whole story? This body is not to be buried over here, the eyes of this old and pious Jin became moist and his neck bowed down, till his tears started falling on the ground and he drowned with sobbing, we were surprised that why is he crying? What is such a thing which has softened up his heart? After crying for a while, he gathered himself and started talking again but this conversation had not even started that another Jin made him attentive that why did you cry? He said that if you listen to me, you will get the answer to this question, now I and all of Jinnat became more attentive and focused on his conversation, the old experienced Jin: The saint who revealed about the window and the tunnel was insisting again and again that this body is not to be buried over here and it should be immediately taken to Jannat-ul-Baqee (graveyard adjacent to Prophet’s PBUH mosque) Madina Munawara. All who were present were hearing this with amazement, the first strange thing was that the saint revealed was that there should be some tunnel in the grave and he was right. How to deliver the body to Jannat-ul-Baqee? The other strange thing was that how to deliver the body of this lady to Jannat-ul-Baqee as during those times this was a journey of months. During this the diggers had cleaned the grave and by taking the body outside, had kept it on the Royal bed. No one knows, what happened to King Zafar and his uncle that they said: That cloth sheets should be raised around the body as we will open up the face of the body and will see it, immediately royal sheets were raised and when they saw the face and the children and close relatives were also over there, there was a smile on the face of the body whereas while burial the lips were close together and eyes were also shut but now, the eyes were semi opened and one could feel clearly that this body is seeing something with its eyes and it would be felt by the smile that this body has seen something immediately upon being buried and this smile was saying that do not take me as an ordinary dead body rather, I have a special treatment from my sustainer and there is a special system of the sustainer for me. Finally, the face was covered, and now there was consultation that what should be done? Finally, it was advised that a grave with half baked bricks with Mehrabi style should be made and it should be buried in it and then a pray to the Lord be made that O’ Allah! You make a system for this pious lady with your own mercy.


The grave did not sank after this: finally the body was buried and then scholars, sheikhs, saints and pious people stood there and prayed with lot of humbleness before Allah and then the grave did not collapse, but one worry and thought and inquisiteness was in everybody’s heart which nobody was bringing to their tongues and it was that after all what was such an act of this lady that such special treatment was given to her and what was that cave?


What was that window? Expert Saints in Kashf-ul-Qaboor: Finally, the King himself asked this question from the Sheikhs and saints? While saying this, the elderly Jin became quite and bowed his head for a while, then started looking in the space as if thinking that whether he should tell this thing to everyone or not, and to reveal this investigation before everyone or not, his struggle, his breaths, emotions, feelings and thoughts were clearly telling this, finally after a while he spoke himself and said that amongst these people there was such Sheikhs who were experts in Kashf-ul-Qaboor and had this knowledge, and there were many scholars and pious people who would communicate with the dead in their dreams. The king told all of them that every person

Who could get to know the condition of this lady through the skill of Kashf-ul-Qaboor (act of revealing the condition of the dead) or through dream should do it, and every such person should give the result by writing a letter separately so as no other knows about it and the king gave everybody 11 days time to communicate the result.

Finally, the curtain of this secret was removed: After 11 days everybody came to the King by bringing their experience and result in writing and when it was read, same happening was revealed and it was that “I use to recite one tasbih (100 times) in the morning and evening with 3 times Darood Sharif before and after of اللھم ارحم امت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم and would recite it without counting all day too and in dream this lady narrated 3 happenings to everyone.


A family surrounded in poverty: She narrated first instance that once I was sitting in the balcony of my palace and saw a poor person wearing old and torn clothes going with his wife and kids with some things loaded on a donkey, I don’t know what crossed my mind and heart that I asked my maids to bring this family before me, maids immediately told the slaves and they brought this family before me, I saw that they were worried, I consoled them that I have called you just to talk and not to imprison you, gave them to eat and drink and then started talking to them, man was behind the curtain and the wife and kids sat before me, they said that we have come from Delhi and actually we live in a village 350 miles away from Delhi, the wife said that forefathers of my husband were very rich but it was fate, and circumstances went bad to worse, poverty has surrounded us, lack of food has enveloped us, before, we use to have one meal in a day and then even this was gone, kids cry of hunger, we realized our hunger but, couldn’t tolerate the hunger of the kids and this hunger and poverty kept on increasing till we were forced to sell everything, utensils of the house, cots were sold too, and nothing was left except this donkey, with this donkey, we left for Delhi that, we will go to the city of Delhi and would seek protection in some ruin, in the last corner of the city or will, make a mud house and would do labour as we are of good family and cannot beg, we could not beg, their eyes were moist, kids were sobbing and were telling their story. This lady who was the aunt of the Mughal King Bahadur Shah Zafar was telling her story from the spiritual world and further said, that when I continued the conversation with them and heard their story, I got to know that in their forefathers there were five saints and their five graves were also together and these five saints were such that even if the king, came with his powerful army, he couldn’t face their prays, when they use to pray for somebody he would get it 100% and whom they cursed they also would be cursed 100%. These saints were the ones who spent their lives with Halal and legitimate means and with truth and by worshipping Allah جل جلالہ, and got close to Allah جل جلالہ. Hearing this I was surprised.


We have heard a word from our elders:  I gave an order that this family be given a house and wazifa (monthly compensation), when this family was going they said that we have heard this word اللھم ارحم امت محمدﷺ from our elders, that the one who would recite one tasbih of it in the morning and evening and would keep on reciting it all day then Allah جل جلالہ would definitely provide some means in their every trouble even though if there are mountains of troubles, oceans of sufferings and winds of sorrows but some way out, will be given to the one who recites it from somewhere. Yes, this recitation is being practiced in our family since long and even today we were reciting it and every time we were hopeful that Allah جل جلالہ will definitely find a way out for us from somewhere and see, with the Barakat of this word you were made to sit in the balcony at this time and at the same time we troubled family passed in front of you and Allah جل جلالہ put this thought in your mind and heart and today we have become prosperous as the queen has noticed us.


Queen came to the Bazar of Delhi: The lady narrated another instance which was even more strange: Said that once, I changed my appearance and went to a bazaar of Delhi and was buying some goods with my maid, I went to a shop of utensils and saw a strange happening that a person was tied with ropes to a pillar, there was rope in the foot of a lady and she has 3 kids with her and their hands were also tied with rope, and they were all crying as there was a blame upon them that they had taken some goods from the shopkeeper and they use to do often and would go and sell these utensils in villages, initially, they made the shopkeeper trust them and then started taking credit and after taking a lot of credit, they disappeared for many years, meaning did not came back to the shopkeeper and when they were passing by, in front of this shop by covering their faces, suddenly, an old servant of the shopkeeper saw them and when he called them, they tried to run away, but everybody got together and held them and now they were tied as they had taken a lot of money but there was nobody to give their guarantee and to pay back the money to the shopkeeper.


Wedding of 3 children of the chief and utensils on loan: The spirit of the Royal lady said: that when I reached there and saw all this, and asked about the instance, I sat with them, as at that time, I was in the appearance of a simple and poor lady, so I sat on ground with them and started asking them about what happened? They said: Our business was absolutely alright and our dealings were right, suddenly it so happened that there was a wedding in the house of the chief and he had arranged wedding of his daughter and 3 sons together, he bought a last quantity of utensils from us, as we could see a lot of profit, we supplied him the goods and it was his promise and even people said that this chief is very truthful and he does not retain anybody’s goods or money and fulfills his promise. The chief had promised us that at wedding I will get a lot of money as gifts and I would pay for the utensils and the goods for dowry and utensils used for guests and I will return all the money to you.


The chief deceived the poor: We were also at the wedding; we went to the chief on the 3rd day of wedding that our money be paid to us (continued).


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